Administrators of assisted living centers are looking more and more into technology solutions to enhance their computer networks – as well as their clients’ experiences and enjoyment of such facilities. One answer that’s meeting the need for more “dynamic connectivity” with clients/patients is to have strategically-placed digital signage for assisted living facilities in Omaha.
This concept enhances both the facility itself and the senior care facility client/patient. Using dynamic digital signage software programs like Novisign, your assisted living facility clients can enjoy a more lively and multi-positional version of a community billboard.
You can post updates on meal schedules, activities calendar items, news, weather, or whatever else you want to post which your senior care center patients will enjoy and appreciate.
Advantages of Digital Signage for Senior Living
And, the best part is that you can have InfiNet tech support specialists help you with all aspects of your digital signage system. Our tech support for senior living means that should any problems arise with either the hardware or software, we’re there to respond to any adverse eventualities within the hour (generally).
Your clients will appreciate the upgrade in your facility’s computer and communications network as much as your staff will. Dynamic upgrades like digital signage for assisted living facilities in Omaha will also help you run a more streamlined ship via better and clearer communications with patients (and staff).
For Omaha assisted living and senior care facilities, having software like Novisign and tech support companies like InfiNet Solutions backing you means a world of difference, with further benefits such as:
- No more confusion or uncertainty between staff and patients
- Patients receive up-to-the-minute updates on facility services
- Strategically-placed monitors act as information posts or kiosks
- Better-informed senior living facility patients/clients can relax more
- Clients won’t be in the dark about facility events, and will hence be happier!
Our custom solutions for digital signage also integrate with Microsoft SharePoint for ultimate customer relations management (CRM) and experience integration.
Omaha Digital Signage Tech Support Specialists
You can rely on InfiNet Solutions to be your digital signage technical support providers who come with a full toolbox of problem-solving expertise. We can help make your Omaha assisted living facility a more dynamic, value-added, and enjoyable place for your patients to spend their golden years.
We offer you our collective know-how and technical abilities for all your digital signage tech support and IT consultation needs. Call one of our helpful agents today at 402.895.5777 or email us at for more information.