
Ransomware Takes Down Hospitals in the UK. – Are your systems safe?

 Ransomware Strikes UK Hospitals

It’s called the Wanna Decryptor, and it’s one of the most feared ransomware strains today.


Because once your systems are infected with this ransomware variant, there is nothing that can be done for you. There is no known software that can decrypt a computer or network once it has been infected and encrypted by this particular weapon of global cyber-criminal syndicates.

Wanna Decryptor has hit the National Health Service of England and Scotland hard.

UK’s National Health Service announced on Friday, May 12, 2017, that Wanna Decryptor had been used by criminals to take 16 hospitals and administration facilities hostage in the UK.

The ransomware has brought the computer and telecom systems in those institutions to a standstill.

What do the criminals want?

They are demanding 415,000 pounds by May 19th.

If that amount is not delivered to them, they have threatened to delete all of the encrypted files – leaving those NHS hospitals and administrative centers crippled.

The BBC has reported that the pain caused by this ransomware attack is already being felt and that patient treatment – and lives – are being put in jeopardy. Why? Doctors cannot readily access health records, patient histories, or even records of medications. The situation at the hospitals under attack is so critical that ambulances are being redirected away from these hospitals to other facilities that are not affected.

At this point, the official line from NHS is, “We do not have any evidence that patient data has been accessed.” But the fact that NHS cannot say definitively that the criminals have looked at the private patient records they have encrypted is little comfort to the doctors, nurses, and patients who are valiantly trying to make do without access to those same records.

At this time, the UK’s National Cyber Security center is working together with NHS to try to mitigate the situation, but that does not mean that a quick resolution to the situation is on the immediate horizon.

It has also been reported that the US, China, Russia, Spain, Italy, Vietnam, Taiwan and others are also experiencing difficulties with this strain of ransomware.

The hospitals under attack are not expected to be open to full-service again until next week. At the moment, they are limping along trying to care for their patients as best they can and transferring patients with higher needs to facilities not affected.

So what happened?

The NHS spends millions on computer security each year.

And they’ve been hit with ransomware.

If the NHS isn’t safe – no one is.

What’s worse…there is NO DEFENSE against ransomware.

You either PAY UP, recover your systems from a previously backed up copy, or LOSE IT ALL.

It’s time for your business to prepare.

They’ll hit anyone they can make a buck off of.

No business is immune from a ransomware attack.

InfiNet Solutions of Omaha has a solution which can have you back up and running cleanly in less than 1 hour after a reported ransomware attack.

But our solution has to be in place before the attack occurs.

Are we trying to scare you into purchasing our services?

No. The criminals are the ones doing the scaring.

We’re offering hope and a solution – but you have to act BEFORE your systems are compromised by ransomware.

Let’s get your business fortified against the menace of ransomware NOW.

Contact InfiNet Solutions of Omaha now at (402) 895--5777 or [email protected] for a no-obligation conversation to assess your ransomware vulnerability level.

Ransomware Takes Down Hospitals in the UK. – Are your systems safe? Read More »

Wisdom Wednesday: Master Snapchat In Your Business

When it comes to social media marketing, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are no longer enough. Get an edge over your competition by mastering Snapchat now!

Snapchat For Business

Since all but taking over online communication, social media has become a viable business tool as well. Social media is easy and affordable to use, and it allows access to vast numbers of potential new customers. While Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube are being used liberally by today’s businesses, there’s one exciting platform that isn’t seeing as much traffic: Snapchat.

Snapchat is one of the fastest-growing social media options with millennials. There are well over 100 million active Snapchat users, and over 70 percent are under the age of 34. Put quite simply, businesses looking to connect with this crowd should be on Snapchat.

Easy to Use

Snapchat works by providing an interface through which users can easily send photos and videos, or “Snaps,” to their followers. The media sent is only viewable for up to 10 seconds (the user gets to determine the length of the display). Afterward, it disappears forever. Multiple snaps can be strung together to create a “story” viewable for up to 24 hours.

Some other compelling Snapchat facts and stats include:

  • Users are Highly Active. An impressive 65 percent of Snapchat users post new content at least once per day. You can do the same, and your business will stay active in the consciousness of potential customers.
  • Ready to Buy. Nearly 60 percent of college students said they were very likely purchase a product using a coupon they received via Snapchat.
  • Get More Personal with Users. Snapchat allows for showing current and potential customers a more casual, behind-the-scenes view of your company.
  • Builds Trust. Trust in your brand will grow the more you post on Snapchat. Users will come to feel as if they “know” your company and be more likely to choose you over your competitors.

Growing Your Snapchat Network

Unlike Instagram and Twitter, hashtags aren’t enough to entice new followers. On Snapchat, users must find and add you. To add users, you must know their Snapchat names. Snapchat does not have native discovery capabilities. Gaining Snapchat followers requires using your company’s online presence – including your other social media accounts – to raise awareness about your Snapchat account. Here are some tips for getting the ball rolling:

  • Promote Actively. Promote your Snapchat account name within your other social media profiles as well as in email signatures, blog posts and on your website.
  • Use the “Add Me URL.” This feature allows for sharing a customized URL on other social media platforms. It lets users easily and rapidly connect with you. Use this link and replace “username” with your business Snapchat account name:
  • Share Valuable, Compelling Content. Plan a content series that tells a story, teaches something new, allows users to play a game, or otherwise keeps them engaged.
  • Use Snapcodes. Grab your Snapchat QR code image as a cropped screen shot and use it within your other social media account profiles.

Getting active on Snapchat now can vault your business ahead of the competition on this fast-moving platform. If your company is ready to succeed on Snapchat, contact InfiNet Solutions of Omaha at (402) 895--5777 or [email protected]. We look forward to helping you succeed!

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SharePoint and OneDrive: How to Use Your Cloud Services in Harmony

Learn how to use Microsoft’s SharePoint and Onedrive services in combination for your personal and business data.

Sharepoint and OneDrive

OneDrive and SharePoint and two Microsoft tools frequently used by companies investing in cloud data and collaboration. When looking at these services, many businesses have similar questions: Are both tools needed? What’s the difference? Let’s look at the specific tools and how they are used.

OneDrive: OneDrive is a Microsoft cloud storage solution designed to help businesses store files, especially files that need to be accessed from remote devices or shared with others. It has a primary interface and is more like an enormous folder for your documents and data than anything else. In today’s world of mobile devices, including a growing number of Microsoft devices, Microsoft is pushing the frequent use of OneDrive.

SharePoint: SharePoint is less of a storage tool and more of a cloud collaboration enabler (although it does allow server data management for storage purposes). It’s typically used as part of Office 365, and less likely to be used solo than OneDrive. This software has an engaging interface that allows teams to see an array of documents, who is working on them, who is commenting on them, and what needs to be done. It drives workflow, especially when teams are scattered or working in different shifts.

So let’s look at the best ways to use these two services together – and improve business efficiency and data management.

Office 365

Office 365 is a good example of how OneDrive and SharePoint can work together. Here, OneDrive is used to store company data for use among teams, while SharePoint is used to manage data-in-action, the specific documents that people need to create, share and edit in the process of completing their tasks. Using OneDrive primarily for storage and SharePoint mainly for workflow does include some overlap, but remains a useful application of both solutions. It’s also handy if you are in the middle of a transition and have data that’s slowly migrating from either OneDrive or SharePoint – both have enough synergy to work together for as long as necessary while you settle on a data strategy and narrow down your tools.

Public vs. Private

Another useful way to look at the two tools is with an eye on public data vs. private data. Is there data that needs to be continuously shared across a team, department or company? Then SharePoint is probably your best choice (if you don’t want to use both tools). It offers the better interfaces, document management, and document tracking that proves useful for managers and employees alike, allowing everyone to be on the same page.

OneDrive, meanwhile, offers both personal and business versions and generally functions much better as a source for private data with its Personal Document Library and the ability to view all the documents you are currently working on (even if someone else shared them with you).

Control Over Sharing Software

SharePoint has more customization when it comes to user access settings, how updates are applied, and how the software functions in a server environment. That proves useful in many industries where IT departments and government regulations are both picky about how data is protected or used. If your company needs a standalone server for security reasons, or you don’t like the idea of giving Microsoft so much control over your data, then SharePoint is usually easier for IT to work with. OneDrive, however, remains an off-site option for storing less sensitive data and saving on company server space.

Syncing Libraries

Suppose you are currently using both OneDrive and SharePoint, and are having trouble syncing up libraries from each. Don’t worry – it can be done! Everyone OneDrive library that you create (or that was created for you) includes a “Sync” button. Clicking on this will make sure that OneDrive is successfully synced up with all the SharePoint data that you’re currently working on.

This can get a little confusing if you have OneDrive for Business and a personal version of OneDrive at the same time, so remember to double-check what you are working on and make sure that teams understand exactly what do.

Do you have more questions about how to use OneDrive or SharePoint – or how they can be used together in your Omaha business? Let InfiNet Solutions help out: Contact our IT specialists at (402) 895--5777 or [email protected] for more information!

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Omaha IT Services

Help! My Omaha IT Services Company Went Out of Business. What Do I Do Now?

Your IT company has folded up its tent – and there’s a good reason for that. It probably wasn’t delivering the right level of IT service and support to the public or was mismanaging itself. Whatever the reasons, InfiNet is the Omaha IT services company that will get you to the place you need to be, IT performance-wise.

Can you provide spot-on IT services for any business or industry?

Yes! No matter what industry you’re in, no matter the scope of your business operation,; and regardless of your IT challenges – InfiNet is here to help you achieve your business networking goals. It takes dedicated IT consultants in Omaha like our team of highly-skilled experts to be able to respond to and remedy any challenge or issue that may arise, 24/7.

What is your collective level of experience in providing IT support services in Omaha?

To be a leader among Omaha IT companies, we have to be equipped with more expertise than the rest and know how to inspire client loyalty and confidence. To be the kinds of computer consultants Omaha businesses rely on for diligent, responsive IT management solutions, our certifications also have to excel beyond even the average industry standard.

Would you characterize your IT consulting services in Omaha as advanced, or cutting-edge? 

Without being to self-touting, yes! We keep up with the latest trends and developments in IT and are always adapting to and incorporating the latest technology in our service program. We make sure each InfiNet team member’s know-how reinforces our common standards of excellence and quality, and helps us deploy client IT strategies with maximum agility.

Can I call on your Omaha IT consultants anytime? 

Absolutely! At the end (or beginning) of the day, we understand what it takes to be among the go-to IT support specialists in the Omaha NE area. InfiNet explains every aspect of computing and computer networking, and which customized solutions will be best for your enterprise. offers

Sounds great! I want you to be my new Omaha IT company. How do we get started?

We can get started right away! Contact us today at 402.547.4300 or by email at [email protected] for more info on how our Omaha IT services company will deliver the best results for your IT networking situation.

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Wisdom Wednesday: The Hidden Costs Of Malware

Ransomware is malware that either freezes your computer or locks it so you cannot access data and programs that your company normally uses. The criminal that is holding your system hostage, demands a ransom that is usually paid in Bitcoin.

Hidden Costs of Malware

Imagine opening your business one morning, turning your computer on and reading a message that says something like: Attention – Your System is Locked. If you want your data and programs unlocked, you must pay a fee of $800. If you are a new business or a small one, $800 can be a lot of money. It is in effect a ransom payment and is the harbinger that your computer is a victim of ransomware.

What is Ransomware/Malware?

Ransomware is malware that either freezes your computer or locks it so you cannot access data and programs that your company typically uses. The criminal that is holding your system hostage, demands a ransom that is usually paid in Bitcoin. One thing about this kind of criminal is they believe in excellent customer service. Instructions are sent you about how to pay in Bitcoin. Also, the thief or gang of thieves usually do return your computer back over to you – otherwise, most people would not bother to pay the ransom.

However, the ransom is only the beginning of your expenses relating to a ransomware incident involving your business.

What Are the Other Costs of Ransomware?

In 2016, the average cost of paying a ransom demand involving accessing a business’ computer programs and data was $679. It is expected to rise in 2017 to nearly $800. But, that is not the only, nor necessarily, the greatest expense. The other costs attendant to ransomware include:

Regulatory Fines

It is the duty of every business to safeguard the Personal Financial Information (PFI) and Personal Identifying Information (PII) of clients and customers. Regulatory authorities such as the US Department of Health and Human Services (HIPAA compliance) or the Federal Trade Commission for letting PII fall victim to a ransomware attack. Fines can be high (millions of dollars) but are usually not levied if there had been no other prior issues regarding confidentiality. For those firms who had previous breaches, fines can quickly add up to millions of dollars.

A Lack of Productivity

When a computer system is unreachable, your employees are undergoing downtime. Without your business data and programs, they are unable to work and are simply nothing more than another expense due to ransomware. Depending on the size of your workforce is how much this costs. A research study by the firm Vanson Bourne for SentinelOne reveals that it takes 38 man hours to recover from a ransomware attack.

Loss of Customers/Lack of New Customers

When a company is victimized by a ransomware attack, most states require that anyone whose data may have been breached must be advised of the possible breach. Doing so may lead to customers leaving you for another company. Likewise, it is harder to find new clients or customers.

Loss of Employees/Inability to Hire Top Applicants

The situation is similar when it comes to employee retention and new hires – employees want to know their employer has an excellent reputation that is unsullied by a successful ransomware attack.

InfiNet Solutions in Omaha is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest information technology tips, tricks, and news. Contact us at (402) 895--5777 or send us an email at [email protected] for more details.

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