
InfiNet Successfully Guides a Not-for-Profit Association Through Their Growing Pains by Providing Cost-Effective Technology Solutions

Omaha IT ServicesBig Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands is an independent affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. The Midlands team of 37 employees provides local children who face adversity with professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, and forever.

Information technology impacts everything the organization does, including their agency calendars, individual and shared documents, and social media to various web-based databases.  Reliable and secure IT is a critical part of keepings operations running smoothly and connecting children with the support they need. 

The Problem: The Need for An Updated Communications Technology Platform

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands needed to update the software on their on premise exchange server. Communication is a vital part of operations in the organization but their current infrastructure wasn’t supporting their growing needs. Overall costs were increasing due to the constant need for back-up and it became clear it was time for a change.

The InfiNet Solutions team immediately knew the right solution and advised that the organization switch to Microsoft Office 365. In addition to the fact that it’s a free solution for non-profit organizations, making the switch would also provide the long-term benefit of not having to manage technology in-house. With Office 365, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands would no longer have to worry about project costs and capital expenditures.

As a long standing InfiNet client, Michelle Drake of Big Brothers/Big Sisters of The Midlands knew their team could trust the recommendation. With no in-house tech experts, InfiNet has long served as the reliable and trusted partner the organization can turn to. 

“Initially, they just provided domain and web-hosting,” says Drake. “As we grew, we needed more sophisticated IT and they helped us make the informed and cost-effective decisions.

“We’ve had IT support from InfiNet for all of the 12 ½ years I’ve been with the agency,” continues Drake. “Their support is extremely important to us as we don’t have anyone on staff with the expertise possessed by InfiNet’s owners and tech support staff. It’s InfiNet who helped guide us through our growing pains with technology.”

The Solution: Updated Server Technology to Drive Productivity and Cut Costs

The InfiNet team worked quickly to get the organization up and running with Office 365 and ensure a smooth transition. Since then, the Big Brother/Big Sisters team is now able to work smarter, not harder. With more of their workforce working remotely, Office 365, Skype for Business, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive are all great solutions that allow team members to get work done from anywhere.

InfiNet was also sure to activate Exclaimer Signature Manager for the Big Brothers/Big Sisters team. This allows the team to centrally manage and update signatures, which is important when holding fundraisers and events. Exclaimer and Office 365 are great cloud solutions for nonprofit associations in Omaha, Nebraska. Thanks to InfiNet’s recommendation and implementation of these products, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands have come to experience the benefits of streamlined and cost effective technology.

The Outcome:  A Continued Technology Partnership to Ensure Productivity and Optimization

The InfiNet team continues to provide flat-flee managed services for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands, along with the handling of their technology procurement, managing their current IT infrastructure, and consulting with them on selecting technology to support their ongoing growth.  Plus, they work together to develop a long-term IT roadmap and budget so they never have to worry about costly surprises.

If you asked me to pinpoint one great thing that InfiNet does for us, I can’t,” says Drake.They truly take care of it all. They set up our new employees, they back up our data, they provide us with security, replace hardware and the list goes on.”

“Their Help Desk does a fantastic job fielding questions from individual employees and takes care of their IT issues,” continues Drake. “We rarely have to wait to be helped, and their techs are very friendly and knowledgeable.

The partnership has been especially helpful for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Midlands considering their status as a non-profit organization. InfiNet has extensive experience offering technology for non-profit organizations in Omaha. Their team is passionate about providing cost-conscious technology solutions to help these organizations thrive. This experience and passion have been invaluable for the local Big Brothers/Big Sisters chapter.

“We would absolutely recommend InfiNet to other businesses and non-profits in Omaha,” says Drake.The owners and technicians at InfiNet understand the budget constraints facing non-profit organizations. They work with us to overcome challenges and they provide the best equipment, hardware, and software, at the best prices!”

Is your Omaha organization trying to overcome technology growing pains? Contact InfiNet Solutions right away at (402) 895--5777 or [email protected]. Their team of experts can help any organization develop a long-term IT Roadmap, with the best solutions at the best prices.

InfiNet Successfully Guides a Not-for-Profit Association Through Their Growing Pains by Providing Cost-Effective Technology Solutions Read More »

Celebrate Candy Month by Sweetening the Deal for Customers Through Advanced IT Services

Give your customers something sweet – and update your IT services!

Candy Month

Since June is the official National Candy Month, we are going to spend some time talking about sweet things – and we’re going to start by talking about how to sweeten the buying experiences for your customers via IT services. Many companies assume – understandably – that IT services are mostly a background/backroom consideration, something that the client actually isn’t involved in. But everything in business is connected, and today’s latest advanced services connected to customers in all new ways. Is it time you increased your value offering with some of these treats?

Data Security is Important, and Customers Know It

Data breaches tend to make a lot of splashy headlines, and customers are passionately concerned about the security of their private data: Much of any company’s reputation relies on data security, especially these days when an online buying option is common to most industries. That data security that you are investing in isn’t just for compliance or making lawyers happy or avoiding a hacking attempt that disrupts business. It’s about showing the customers you understand and care what happens to their personal information – where it is stored, how it is used, and how it is encrypted. Don’t be afraid to boast about your security upgrades! They are a benefit to your customers, too.

Immediate Contact Options Will Answer Questions Fast

The ability to immediately post a message in a Facebook Group, or open a chat box on a company website, or shoot a colleague a quick question over Yammer, should not be underestimated. Customers appreciate when their questions are answered quickly: They don’t like to hang around listening to on-hold music, or trying to search through a new website, or needed to send an email they aren’t sure anyone will ever read. Fortunately, today’s services provide ways to communicate much more directly and to find experts instantly when required. When customers get such a speedy, full response, they become much more invested.

Don’t Do Mobile? Do Mobile

Today’s buyers are a mobile bunch – there’s no getting around or denying it. More searching is done on mobile devices than desktops. Google’s new SEO approach ranks pages by how well they do on mobile devices before considering desktops. It’s time to embrace mobile.

We understand that investing in an optimized website, app, mobile data protection, and all the rest of it may seem like a weighty undertaking: However, it’s all one package. You need the security, and the optimization process, and the mobile data storage strategy, to make it all work together. That’s why it’s all right to bring in external IT services to help set up and manage mobile services. Your on-the-go customers will appreciate it.

CRM Can Make Customers Feel Special Again

How long has it been since you overhauled your CRM systems? Maybe it’s time for an upgrade that automatically tracks customer loyalty points and discounts, can send out recommendations for specific products based on behavior, and never forgets to email customer surveys, newsletters, or other significant bits of information. Automation is just one of the tricks that the latest CRM solutions can offer – they are also compatible with a vast array of apps and platforms that you may already be using, so don’t hesitate to improve CRM if the time has come!

Faster Upgrades for More Capabilities (and Scalability)

IT services have a significant benefit over hardware like servers: They are far, far easier to upgrade. Have you been wanting to upgrade your IT capabilities for a while, but haven’t reached a point where you are ready to replace hardware yet? It may be time to switch to cloud-based IT services that receive automatic updates and are easy to customize and upgrade as your business grows…so that your customers don’t get left behind.

The Power of Simplification

Finally, think about giving your customers a treat by making things simpler. Many of today’s IT services are more about making things less confusing rather than adding new abilities. That means slimming down websites, cleaning up inter-office platforms, reducing the number of tools and formats you use, and overall making everything more minimalistic. Customers, short on time and tried of complex interfaces, tend to love these sorts of changes.

Is something else on your list to deliver to customers? Let us know what it is! InfiNet Solutions can help your Omaha company achieve its systems goals: Let us know how to help at [email protected] or give us a call to ask about services at (402) 895--5777.

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Memorial Day – Reflecting On Sacrifice

Memorial Day has been observed on the final Monday in May each year since 1971, but this occasion traces its roots back much farther in our country’s history. Originally known as Decoration Day, this day was first established during the Civil War in 1862 and was marked by loved ones decorating the graves of those who gave their lives serving in the Confederate Army. After the war, in 1868, the veterans of the Union Army soon added their own traditions to the mix, eventually leading to the creation of the ceremonies and customs we know today.

Memorial Day 2017

Today, Memorial Day is the more somber counterpart of Veterans Day. It is a day set aside to honor and remember those who have given their lives while serving in the military. It’s appropriate to mark this occasion by visiting cemeteries and war memorials, honoring their sacrifice.

This day holds special meaning for us at InfiNet Solutions. We will be closed Memorial Day to honor the memory of all those who have gone before, and have given their lives for us. If you have to work, please take a moment to honor their memory.

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Cloud Computing: Great at Horse Races – and Streamlining Your Company

Cloud computing makes big news in the races – and gives us a chance to talk about the benefits of data solutions!

Cloud Computing Horse Racing

There’s an old saying we just made up that says, “When a trend finally wins a horse race, you know it’s here for the long haul.” We’re specifically talking about the big news that, after a break that involved skipping the Kentucky Derby, the racehorse by the name of Cloud Computing racked up a big in the Preakness race. Maybe not so exciting to those who don’t follow the races, but hey, 1) there’s a racehorse named after a data solution, and that’s pretty fun, plus 2) this gives us an excuse to talk about the advantages of cloud computing to businesses that are still considering adopting cloud solutions.


One advantage that smaller businesses sometimes miss when reviewing the benefits of cloud computing is the innate scalability. It may not seem like much in your current business model, but when the time comes to expand, open new branches, increase your customer base, or fulfill a greater number of orders, cloud computing makes growth far easier than it used to be. By pushing customer, order and inventory data into the cloud, it becomes effortless to upgrade many of your business functions to deal with suddenly larger (or, in some cases, suddenly smaller) numbers. Without cloud computing, the process requires replacing hardware and generally spending far more time and resources on meeting new demand.

Automated Data Entry

Data entry has become revolutionized by a combination of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, allowing software to become much more open-ended and smarter about filling out forms. You’ve probably experienced a little of this when Google, Apple or another brand offers to autofill address and contact forms for you based on information stored in the cloud. Data entry solutions do much the same thing, except they are more complex systems that access a larger variety of information about the company and (within chosen limits) the customers. This reduces human error, reduces the need for data entry positions, and helps the workflow process speed up, making it an easy option for the average company.


A lot of people talk about collaboration in business, but in cloud computing, this has a very direct definition: The ability for multiple people to work on the same document, at the same time, from remote locations. Google Drive, for example, is one of the more common (and freed) collaboration tools used by small businesses and students where teams need to work on the same document together, but are kept from physical meetings by complex schedules. Editing, commenting, and chat features allow people to collaborate on a document in an online setting instead, which again speeds up workflow. Even common doc software like Microsoft Word is beginning to embrace this cloud-fueled collaboration.

Efficient Management

All right, let’s take the above example: If you have everyone working on the same document, how does a manager tell who is responsible for any particular action? Through in-depth tracking, of course, and cloud computing also provides that. Microsoft Teams, for example, allows managers to see at a glance who is teamed up on any particular file and then look closer to find out the precise history of changes to the file, and who made each change. If check-ins or confirmations are required, the cloud can send them to manage systems immediately to save even more time.

Client Connections

All this internal communication is also bolstered by external connections. Cloud storage and cloud data, in general, are much easier to share with clients and customers as needed. This is an excellent way to share large files with prospects and exchange information quickly to answer important questions.

Automatic Updating and Syncing

When a cloud-compatible system needs an update, there’s no reason to mess around with physical discs or data sticks – it can simply download what it needs right off the Internet. The same goes for syncing. Via the cloud, when you update data on a program using one device (say a smartphone), that program will be updated on all devices (your desktop and laptop too) when you log back in. Data backups are handled in a similar way. Basically, all improvements and changes to the system are easier and faster to arrange.

We’ve covered plenty of the general benefits of cloud computing here, but there’s a whole world of more specific advantages for your Omaha company, ready to be customized from available services. Learn more about the latest IT services by contacting InfiNet Solutions today! We’re available at (402) 895--5777 or [email protected].

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Did You See InfiNet Featured in Omaha Magazine and Faces of Omaha?

Just in case you missed it, Omaha Magazine ran a story on April 1 that featured InfiNet Solutions (which was itself based on a story about us that ran in the Faces of Omaha section called “Managed IT Services” – p. 36). We’re not trying to be boastful, but it’s nice to get some official recognition in our community for what it is we do best – Omaha IT services!

Omaha IT Services

We feel that, obviously, this is the best kind of advertising one can get – to be featured in two prominent Omaha publications as one of the city’s finest IT companies – and we hope you agree!

Here are some related FAQs for you on this subject below:

Can you tell us more about what you do best – IT network managed services?

We’d be happy to! Absolutely! Basically, we understand what it takes to be among the top IT support companies in Omaha. We make sure our standards of excellence and quality inform all our IT strategies with optimal results for our clientele.

What’s included in your managed services program?

Most of our managed services agreements include guaranteed on-site support visits as part of an agreed-upon schedule, plus reviews and maintenance of computers, servers and networking hardware, as well as software support. Whether you need remote support or on-site support, we’ll always be sure to meet or exceed your needs.

Do you cover business telephones as well in your contract IT services?

Of course! If you need to add business telephone solutions to your managed services support contract, we’ll make sure you have the peace of mind regarding your VoIP, hosted PBX or other network phone setup to be able to focus on growing your business.

Could you elaborate more on your approach as IT consultants, please?

Sure thing! As your go-to IT consultants in Omaha like our team of highly-skilled experts to be able to respond to and remedy any challenge or issue that may arise, with 24/7 Help Desk support standing by to field your requests for assistance. Also, to be a standout among Omaha IT companies requires being equipped with more expertise than the average tech support company, and knowing how to inspire client loyalty in an ongoing fashion.

What industries do you provide IT services for?

We’ve done a good amount of work for companies in the following industries:

But, no matter what industry you’re in, or the scope of your business operation, and regardless of your IT challenges – InfiNet is here to help you achieve your business networking goals.

Excellent! Sounds like you’re the best-managed service provider in Omaha for my money. When can we get started? 

As soon as you contact us at 402.547.4300 or at [email protected] and we can do a summary evaluation on how our Omaha IT services company will be able to deliver you the best results for your IT networking requirements!

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