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Microsoft Azure Just Got Better

The Microsoft Inspire 2018 partner conference is now behind us, but the new dawn that it marked for the company’s cloud computing service, Azure, has just begun.

Microsoft Azure

Of course, there was a lot that transpired from this partner conference, especially the new opportunities, resources, and incentives that are now available for partners.

In this write-up however, we focus on the wide range of updates – not in all of Microsoft’s partner programs and products that span Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and other business apps, but its cloud computing service known as Azure.

Here’s a roundup of the tech giant’s biggest updates and additions to Azure from the Inspire 2018 conference.

New Cloud Apps And Technologies

The number of cloud apps and technologies that are available through Azure just multiplied. The first amazing addition to this channel is the Azure Data Box Disk, an SSD-disk based version of the Azure Data Box appliance rolled out in 2017.

With the Azure Data Box Disk, businesses can move data into Azure with much ease regardless of where the data lives. The new offering allows for the transfer of up to 35 terabytes of data from multiple remote locations such as offices or branches – whether on a recurrent basis or once.

The other interesting Azure addition from Microsoft Inspire 2018 is Azure Virtual WAN, a networking service that provides users (businesses) with automated, optimized branch-to-branch connectivity through Azure using last mile internet. It also allows businesses to build a spoke-hub network in Azure that can route traffic to virtual appliances such as Azure network security services and firewalls.

The Azure Firewall is a managed, cloud-based network security service that protects your Azure Virtual Network resources. The Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) is highly available and fully functional, with unrestricted cloud scalability.

The high availability being built-in means that there are no additional load balancers, nor anything that requires configuring. The unrestricted cloud scalability, on the other hand, means that your Azure Firewall can scale up as much as needed to accommodate fluctuating network traffic flows. Ultimately, you won’t need to budget for any peak traffic – which translates to significant cost savings.

Microsoft Is Expanding Private Offers In The Azure Marketplace

As part of Microsoft’s 2019 development plans for its partner network, the company is expanding its private offers in the Azure marketplace. This means that partners will be able to deliver a better buying experience to their customers by confidentially sharing with them solutions that meet their unique buying needs. This way, Microsoft partners are getting a new means to boost their sales with the corporation.

With the private offer feature, partners are also able to offer discounts to select customers on the Azure channel, rather than having to put up with the standard pricing approach, which can be less appealing.

Vetted & Approved By Microsoft: Azure Expert Managed Service Providers

Microsoft just took its Azure Expert Managed Service Provider program, started as a pilot program at the beginning of the year, to another level. The Azure Expert MSP program is a brand-new platform designed to help those select partners who have demonstrated the greatest level of skill and capabilities with regards to delivering consistent managed services on Azure. This helps them to stand out from the pack.

For a partner to join the new Azure MSP group, they have to be carefully vetted by Microsoft. One of the key qualifications for entering the program is to obtain references from multiple customers and pass a rigorous two-day third-party audit, which is repeated every year.

The idea, according to Microsoft, is to ensure that partners in the Azure Expert Managed Service Provider program are prepared to facilitate customer migrations to the cloud and help them with their cloud projects.

Azure IoT Central Gets New Updates

Azure IoT Central, Microsoft’s Software-as-a-Service IoT (internet of things) solution experienced nothing short of a facelift. These updates are introducing support for the business analytics service, Power BI, and task automation tool Microsoft Flow, as a way to make visualization of real-time intelligence possible.

Additionally, partners on the Cloud Solution Provider program are now able to include management and provisioning of Azure IoT Central applications in their subscription offerings.

Customers seeking to migrate their Windows Server and SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 workloads to Azure have also been assured of a time extension and free security updates even as Microsoft is winding down its support for the former.

Beyond Microsoft Gold: New Apps And Infrastructure For Azure

As part of its mission to boost profitability for partners, Microsoft is launching advanced specializations going beyond Microsoft Gold competencies to help partners with differentiation.

Apps and Infrastructure will include SAP on Azure, cloud migration, Azure Stack, Linux on Azure, backup & disaster recovery, as well as high-performance computing and networking.


Microsoft is clearly pushing positive outcomes on its partner network. And judging from the revelations from the Inspire 2018 conference, the company is determined to see this network prosper. They’re making the most of the opportunities that have since come to light and forging ahead for a brighter future.

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Low-Tech Ways to Protect Your Car From Being Stolen

Security for your automobile is so important today due to the current rise in car theft. It is necessary to protect your transportation from this threat.  Your car represents a hefty financial investment, not to mention that it provides transportation for your whole family.

Stealing Cars

However, many people take auto security for granted. If you’ve ever had your car stolen, then you understand how traumatic it can be. This article will help you better understand how to perform some basic safety precautions to keep your car safe. Many insurance companies offer lower rates if you install extra protection to keep your car safe from thieves. Sit down and relax, so that you can learn how Fob systems work.

How Key Fobs Work

The main Fob systems include electronic devices. These devices function by reading a key Fob when placed in close proximity. If the key Fob is authorized, the reader sends a signal to the door and the user can gain access. Key Fob entry systems offer greater ease of use, enhanced security, and more control.

Once the key Fob is within short range to the access device reader, the system opens the car door to permit entrance only for the owner. The Fob has a special recognition number and the right-to-use system can be programmed to limit or block entry at any time. The biggest advantage of key Fobs and keyless access in general is that a Fob can be instantly blocked in case it’s stolen or lost.

Because of the uniqueness of each car’s key Fob, billions of codes are created so that each one is exclusive.  But hackers have ways of intercepting the wireless signal and then narrowing down the numerical combinations. Within minutes, a hacker’s computer program can figure out the code to unlock your car. This poses a challenge to the security of everyone’s automobile.

Why You Should Wrap Your Keys In Aluminum Foil

Unlocking your car wirelessly is a convenient technology, but it comes with limitations. Thugs have come up with easy ways to intercept the FOBs signal and seize it, locking out alarm signals. The unique key Fob code is sent to the car’s security system using a computer chip. The car has a chip that uses the same algorithm in order to generate codes. Once the codes match, then the car doors open.

Car thieves have figured out how to hack the access codes of your Fob even if it’s not in the car. By capturing and manipulating signals from Fob keys, they can steal your car in just minutes. They use products that assist in intensifying the signal from the key Fob and this allows the car to be stolen effortlessly.

One simple solution to preventing a car thief from stealing this information is to wrap your key Fob in aluminum foil when the key Fob is not in use. The foil blocks the signal, preventing thugs from being able to decode it. Though this is pretty low-tech, it does work and it isn’t hard or expensive to do. Just a bit inconvenient.

How Criminals Attack

Criminals have come up with a way of detecting key Fob signals from a distance of 300 feet away using an amplifier. Signal theft is becoming a much larger problem that even experts can’t deal with. High-powered RFID readers make it all possible. This technology is relatively inexpensive and very accessible to thieves.

Steps To Stop Car Thieves

It is possible to block these amplified signals from reaching your key Fob. One method involves buying a signal-blocking purse or wallet to hold your keys. While this is a simple remedy, it’s important to make sure your keys are properly stored so signal blocking works all the time and correctly. If you can’t afford a purse or wallet with this technology, then try lining your purse with aluminum foil. You can also line only the pouch that holds your keys with foil. Many people keep their keys in the same pocket or area of their purse, so just line that specific area with the foil and remember to place the key Fob there when not in use.

Wrap Up

These days, it’s important to make sure you’re doing everything possible to keep your home and car safe. Though there are many new types of security systems to use, it can be expensive or difficult to install and use them. If your budget won’t allow it, look for easy, low-cost ways like using aluminum foil to protect your key Fob. Make it as hard as possible for thieves to steal from you. They’re often lazy folks who are searching for the easiest targets, so each layer of protection you add, makes you less of a target for car thieves.

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What Do I Need To Do To Be DFARS Compliant?

With the escalating cyber threats that affect the U.S. Government, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to safeguard the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) unclassified information. The regulation now requires all aerospace and defense companies to be compliant.

DFARS Compliance

Roadmap to DFARS Compliance

In order to be considered DFARS compliant, organizations need to pass a readiness assessment according to the NIST SP 800-171 guidelines.

On average, it will take an organization about six to ten months to become compliant, depending on the organization’s current security status and the available resources they have at their disposal.

Planning is the key to ensure success in your DFARS compliance expedition. It is essential to treat this as a major project, with the mindset of having the needed resources and funding set ahead of time. Many companies hire specialists and consultants and this can really expedite the process, plus it can help an organization to avoid common errors.

Let’s look at an action plan or roadmap to guarantee your cloud environment is safe and compliant according to the DFARS mandate.

Step 1: Calculate Your Organization’s Applicability

Key Question: How can your organization stay relevant?

Using the controls listed in NIST SP 800-171, document the gaps between your current position and the expected end goal.

To ensure your organization is applicable, check off these essentials for Step 1:

  • Review all contracts to pinpoint important DFARS clauses and provisions.
  • Review DFARS to determine the type of CDI or CUI (see Clause 252.204-7012) that applies.
  • Check your applicability with the Contracting Officer as needed.
  • Define what systems, processes, programs, applications, hardware, software, people, etc. fall under the scope of your NIST 800-171 compliance.

Step 2: Build a Remedial Plan to Safeguard against Non-Compliance

Key Question: What is your current Security Status?

In order to stay NIST SP 800-171 compliant, make sure you can put a check next to these measures:

  • Conduct a control gap analysis against NIST SP 800-171.
  • Develop solutions for the identified defects that you find.
  • Meet with your subcontractors and other business partners to make sure you are both on track and in step for compliance.

Step 3: Implement Your Remediation Plan to Ensure Compliance

Key Question: Have you developed a plan of action to track your progress?

Developing a system security plan will give you the peace of mind in knowing that you are going to be compliant. You won’t have to worry about fines and penalties.

  • Develop or revise controls as needed to remedy the control gaps with NIST SP 800-171.
  • Organize your validation testing after remediation is completed to confirm controls are designed and operating effectively (You then need to make sure you have the agreement of your Contracting Officer).

Step 4: Continuously Monitor and Follow-Up

Key Question: How do you maintain constant monitoring to ensure compliance?

Establishing a plan to effectively monitor your compliance can be achieved by doing the following:

  • Use tools, templates, reports, and metrics to develop an ever-flowing monitoring program.
  • For accountability, organize monitoring activities and provide status updates to significant investors on your performance and progress.


To Be DFARS Compliant, it is important to remember to set controls in place for current systems and data, while remembering the need to cover new systems and data as they are created. If you fail to keep this in mind, you will assuredly find yourself falling short of compliance.

There is a propensity within organizations to place an emphasis on the controls during the implementation phase, but once the system is up and running, they tend to take their foot off the gas and eyes off the road. Sustaining constant compliance is a never-ending process. You must continuously make sure that new data and systems are effectively classified and that the correct controls are applied. Once DFARS is running and business returns to normal, a high level of attentiveness must be maintained to guarantee the safety and compliance of your organization.

What Do I Need To Do To Be DFARS Compliant? Read More »

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URGENT! Google Chrome “HTTPS By Default D-Day” Is Today! (July 24, 2018)

Why the big hubbub over HTTPS?…

Because from now on, users who visit HTTP sites will be hit with a BIG WARNING from Google. This will happen to anyone using Google Chrome version 68.

HTTPS Websites

Google warns that you should have been protecting your websites with HTTPS for a while now. And this isn’t just for confidential communications. You need HTTPS on all your sites.


HTTPS Prevents Intruders And Security Vulnerabilities

You certainly don’t want people (criminals or otherwise) tampering with the communications between your site and your users’ browsers. These intruders can be hackers or legitimate companies like Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that inject ads into your web pages. Did you know that some of these advertisements can block the user and create security vulnerabilities on your site?

HTTPS Protects Your Users’ Privacy

Every unprotected HTTP request to your website can potentially reveal your visitors’ private information, such as their browsing behaviors and even their identities. Some intruders gather bits of information and compile it into user “profiles” to steal their identities.

HTTPS also keeps intruders from listening to communications between your website and your visitors. This means if you don’t use HTTPS and you have an online help desk service with VoIP, someone else other than your rep and your client may be listening.

Intruders can trick your visitors into providing their confidential information or installing malware into your website.  They can access and exploit unprotected images, cookies, scripts, HTML … and they can do this at any point along the network.

This means that your users’ machines, a clients’ Wi-Fi hotspot, etc., could be exploited and you’ll be to blame.

HTTPS Is Required For Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

What are PWAs?  They use modern website capabilities to deliver app-like experiences to your users.

Google likes PWAs because they: 

  • Load instantly, even when your visitors use uncertain network conditions. This is because they “live” on the user’s home screen. They don’t need to go to an app store for them. PWAs can also re-engage your users with push notifications. You can control how the app is launched and appear on your site.
  • Respond fast and smoothly. Did you know that 53% of users leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load?
  • Are engaging and provide an immersive user experience. You can pre-cache resources so you’re not so dependent upon the network.  It gives your users a more reliable experience when browsing your site.

Google Says That HTTPS Is The Future

In addition to the security benefits of using HTTPS, there are commercial benefits as well.  Browsers and search bots prefer HTTPS sites. Your site will be easier for visitors to find.

Today’s new web platform features allow things like taking pictures, recording audio and new geolocation APIs (Application Program Interfaces). They essentially provide offline app experiences. HTTPS is a key component to the permission workflows for both new features and updating APIs.

And take note! Watch for HTTPS warnings from Microsoft, Apple and Mozilla. They’ll be coming soon.

Keep Google happy and your users safe. It’s not expensive to switch to HTTPS and it’s certainly worth doing!


URGENT! Google Chrome “HTTPS By Default D-Day” Is Today! (July 24, 2018) Read More »

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Simplify Your Workday With These Office 365 Updates for July 2018

Microsoft is always looking for great ways to make your workflow easier. That’s why they continuously update their products. The July 2018 updates to Office 365 are especially unique and should prove to be very helpful to users.

Upgrades To The Ribbon

Microsoft introduced the ribbon in its Office 2007 software. It replaced those traditional menus and toolbars that users were so familiar with. Though the changes did cause somewhat of a stir in the community of users, soon everyone came to appreciate the ribbon. It went over so well that Microsoft continued to update the ribbon each year to include greater functionalities.

Today, no one can imagine Office 365 without the ribbon. With that said, the new updates for Office 365 July 2018 include larger graphical controls on the ribbon that are more visible and grouped in a logical manner. Ribbon functions are more accessible and easier to use. Microsoft’s goal with this update was to make it easier for users to collaborate and connect with others.

The ribbon is also more intuitive now. It puts those commands you’re currently using front and center so they’re available when you need them.

Now there’s only one row of buttons instead of two, which helps to keep the commands you use at the forefront of what you’re working on. This allows more space for your document content. If you’re a big fan of the old ribbon that had two rows of commands, you can easily restore that look with the toggle of a button. Restoring the classic view has been made simple.

The new simplified ribbon is scheduled to be released first in the web version of Word. It will be rolled out to a special group of Office insiders in July. Microsoft will take the feedback from these users, then adjust their updates before rolling out the new Office applications to all users.

Sharepoint Integration

Integration has always been a big thing for Office 365 applications. The Office team has gone one step further with new ways to embed Planner into SharePoint sites. Now the Office 365 productivity solutions that everyone loves are even easier to access. For instance, the SharePoint navigation bar gives all team members the ability to manage tasks directly from SharePoint. Outlook, Calendars, and Microsoft Teams are still available from most applications.

A new button on the SharePoint page allows users to add a plan from Planner. Designing a SharePoint page that has plan details is a breeze. Simply head over to the SharePoint page with the plan details, then click on the Edit button. Locate the area where you want your plan displayed, then click the Plus sign, and select the new Planner web part.

Microsoft Teams Updates

SharePoint integration for Microsoft Teams has been greatly simplified as well. Users can add files directly into the Teams interface right from SharePoint. They can also link an entire SharePoint document library in Microsoft Teams.

Teams have become a favorite meeting application with all the Microsoft apps accessible from the Teams interface. This app took a huge leap forward when Teams was recently updated to allow for links to an entire SharePoint document library. This offers fast, convenient ways to share the SharePoint document library with your whole team. Expect to see more exclusive updates to Microsoft Teams in the future, as it has now become an indispensable part of everyone’s workday. It’s revolutionizing the way people communicate.

New Chat Functions

The Team’s chat experience has been improved to add more flexibility to participants. For instance, if you are involved in a chat that is no longer relevant, you can easily duck out of the meeting. You can also hide a chat if you need to do so or mute a chat if you need to focus on some other task at the moment.

Sway for iOS

Microsoft announced its most extensive update in history on May 30th to Sway for iOS. Now users will find it easier than ever to create a Sway from beginning to end on their iPhone or iPad. Users can quickly toggle between Edit and Preview modes. Add and reorganize text and media in the Edit mode.

Preview lets you see your Sway as others will see it. You can also make easy and fast changes to your Design with the toggle of a button. Edit mode has been simplified to an all-white canvas where users can add photos and videos from the camera or take a new photo. Tap on an image to resize it or add a caption. Photo grouping has been simplified as well. Drag and drop one image onto another to create a new image group.

Sway on iOS allows for the addition of lists, bullets, links, blockquotes, and more with the single tap of a button. Once you have your Sway completed, it’s easy to share or you can invite friends to collaborate. The Sway app for iOS is available from the Apple Store and it’s more fun than ever to use.

Microsoft Office 365

Wrap Up

The Office 365 Updates for July 2018 all about ease and convenience. You can do more in less time. It’s well worth it to learn these easy new ways to use Office 365 so you can shave time off your workday and get more done each day.

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